the sleep clinic

6 weeks to better sleep.

I’ve been hearing the same story

"I'm not sleeping, I tried Valerian, it didn't work, herbs can't help me"

"I took your herbs, I'm sleeping so much better"

Often these herbs that help with sleep haven't been prescribed for sleep at all, but a completely different issue. However, because I work with the body as a whole, to create balance, better sleep often seems to come along for the ride as a welcomed side effect.

I offer an opportunity to take 6 weeks to really see whats going on with your body, where any imbalance may be, how we can work to improve your health, and improve your sleep. 

It's not a one size fits all, we're looking at your lifestyle, health imbalances, sleep hygiene and relationship with sleep, every treatment advice sheet is different and every prescription is bespoke to the individual, and quite possibly won't even contain valerian!

A sleep reset, through the use of Herbal Medicine, Naturopathy, Bach Flower Remedies and personalised care.If you'd like to discuss if this is suitable for you book a call with me.


    A full online initial consultation with a focus on sleep, and a follow up appointment 2 weeks later


    Your own bespoke herbal tincture, night drops, and tea. Tailor made for you with a tweak along the way.


    Treatment advice containing top tips for you to alter your lifestyle and improve your sleep.

The Package

  • Initial Consultation

  • 2 Follow Up Consultations at Week 2 and Week 6

  • 6 weeks supply of Herbal Tincture

  • 6 weeks supply of Night Drops

  • 6 weeks supply of Herbal Tea

  • A bespoke plan with lifestyle tips for altering your night time and day time routine to encourage better sleep.

    Sleep Program Package cost £250.

    This can be paid as two separate payments, one before your initial consultation and one before your two week follow up.

What people are saying

“Taking the herbs Fee prescribed for me was very easy and straightforward. I really liked that I had different things to help at different stages of the day, from the tincture that I took with water in the morning, to the tea that helped me to relax at night and the drops I could take if I woke in the night. Knowing I had this available to help me really took away some of the anxiety about not sleeping, so this 'support pack' of herbs had mental as well as physical benefits for me."